Self-help Things parents should teach their children growing up

Things parents should teach their children growing up

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I happen to coach a kids soccer team and just recently, we travelled for a match in another location. Normally, when we do this, parents facilitate their children’s transport and food. This day though, some parents were yet to send me money for their kid’s snacks and so I had a shortfall of cash. I gave the team two options; either we eat less and share all of us or the ones with no lunch money don’t eat at all. Surprisingly, the second option was the most popular by a big margin. Kindness and empathy is important to our kids as they develop since kids should be able to treat others the way they’d like to be treated. This builds stronger communities as kids become mindful of one another as they grow up. When they posses this characters, they are able to put themselves in the shoes of others and therefore go that extra mile to assist where possible.


For growing kids, it’s important to learn the value of money and more importantly, the value of earning that money by providing a service. Instead of just providing an allowance, I pay for chores done in the house and therefore, my children learn that for them to get something, they should work for it. It also teaches them to be patient as they have to wait (save up) as the money accumulates for them to buy something more expensive. With time, they spend money consciously as they become aware of the effort it took them to earn that cash. This, in the end will help in financial management when they become of age.


Honesty is a very elusive trait in our society these days. It’s easier especially for kids to lie so as to run away from responsibility. Part of the reason why kids shun honesty is the repercussions associated with admitting the truth. If we overreact or punish our children heavily, they might fear being honest and telling the truth. With time, this can develop to be a character of a child as it provides an easy escape route for them that enables them to escape taking responsibility. It is important to teach our children to be honest always. Create an atmosphere that will make them express themselves freely without any fear. Explain to them that the only way they can make meaningful reltionships is by being honest. Honesty will build relationships that can stand the test of time and relationships that can be relied upon when in need.


Encourage your kids to always keep trying even when they fail several times. Teach them to value every effort as these efforts, no matter how small, build up to achievement of their goals and aspirations. The patience to persevere will take them to higher levels in their lives when they become aware that in order to achieve something, an effort must be made and sometimes, several attempts must be made to realize a dream.


This solely relies on what children eat from home as they carry these eating habits even outside the home. It is easy to tell the eating habits of a home from what the kid eats. If they are rewarded with sweets and other niceties, you can actually tell. From their choice of what to eat even when buying food outside the home, kids will definitely lean towards what is familiar depending on the value imposed on their food at home. Eating healthy and responsibly leads to a strong mind and body. Regulation of certain types of food is important in the home to prevent kids from growing unhealthily. Personally, for example, I advise against taking processed/ added sugar since I have researched and have the knowledge of it’s effects on a growing child’s health and physical development. Movement is also essential to a growing child. Encourage your children to take walks with you and engage in physical activities for proper development. This in turn will pay off when your child grown and adopts to a healthy lifestyle. It is something that will grow to be a part of your child even in the future.


A curious mind is a mind that will always ask questions about the environment which leads to continuous learning and intellectual growth. This, in turn leads to discovery and a continuous process of learning that will never end. Curiosity provides an opportunity to explore the environment and discover new things that will equip the child with knowledge and information and also foster an understanding of life, it’s value and importance. Parents should let their kids learn by providing an safe environment for them to do so and be honest and forthcoming in answering questions posed to them by the children.

I have written an eBook of growing strong and resilient hearts in our children which covers some of these subtopics. Kindly follow the link and download it and tell me what you think about the book.

Growing Strong Hearts: Developing Resilient Children


1 thought on “Things parents should teach their children growing up”

  1. A very informative piece. It’s a shame some of us didn’t teach some of these things earlier. There’s always a chance to improve. Thanks for this info.

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