About the Author:

About the Author:

About me

Antony is an Author, Content writer, Soccer Coach, A video/Photographer and a Skating instructor from Kenya

I have written several Self-help eBooks, eMagazines and African Folktales that are very informative and rich in quality content that is life changing and entertaining at the same time. 

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Racheal Wanjiru Skating instructor & hairdressor

Being a parent to a teenage girl can be a daunting task. Thanks to 'Navigating social media with your teenage daughter', I was able to get very practical tips on how to approach social media with my daughter and I must say not only is her approach towards social media better, but also my relationship with her has greatly improved. im greatful.

Luka Schmidt Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

As I approach my 50s, I have been having challenges doing even the simplest of tasks with my body. Besides, there is alot of fitness advise out there it can be very confusing for a senior like me. thanks to the book 'Fitness after 40' i was able to get simplifies and basic tips that iv incorporated into my daily life and things are goin on well at present.

Karen Williams House manager

The 'Chess Champion' is an interesting and very well articulated folktale that takes our imagination straight to a rural village in Kenya. having never travelled to Africa, this book is a very unique story with important learnings also. I'm certainly on the waiting list for the next story.